Project Description

FEM-START, a pioneering ed-tech company in the Netherlands, is dedicated to empowering female founders by offering comprehensive educational courses and providing invaluable advice and mentorship through an online community. As the first ed-tech solution in the region to combine education, research, mentorship, and community support, FEM-START addresses the critical funding gap faced by female entrepreneurs. Their online courses cover every aspect of financing, equipping women with the knowledge and tools they need to succeed.

  • Growth Hacking  Strategy Implementation

  • Website Development

  • Demand Generation

  • Marketing Metrics & Analysis


Our growth hacking funnel strategy for FEM-START focused on leveraging the AAARR framework to bridge the funding gap for female entrepreneurs in the Netherlands as a way to boost the awareness of this project.

In the awareness and activation stage, we aimed to attract potential users through initiatives such as website redesign, lead generation, and targeted advertising on platforms like Facebook, Instagram, and Google. We used cold outreach using automation tools such as Meet Alfred and hosted online webinars to increase visibility and leads.

Moving on to activation and retention stages, we prioritized building a strong online community and implemented user onboarding workflows to engage and retain users. We reinforced interest through Facebook and Instagram retargeting advertisement. 

Lastly, for Retention & Revenue, we drove conversions through discount campaigns and held user feedback sessions, while user testimonials established trust and encouraged continued engagement. 

By focusing on each stage of the AAARR funnel, FEM-START was able to empower female founders with educational courses, mentorship, and a supportive community, ensuring their entrepreneurial success.


By implementing the strategies suggested above, the company achieved the following results

  • 50% website traffic increase
  • 57% increase in newsletter subscribers
  • 32% increase in Facebook followers
  • 28% Increase in Instagram followers
  • 28% Increase in LinkedIn followers

This led to a 50% MoM revenue increase an overall 38% increase on all marketing channels and a 35% MoM increase in users to the courses (free and paid).

Growth Marketing Strategies

Growth Hacking Strategy Implementation

To achieve FEM-START’s ambitious goals, we implemented a robust growth hacking strategy, leveraging the AAARR (Awareness, Acquisition, Activation, Retention, Revenue) framework. Here’s a detailed look at how each tactic contributed to FEM-START’s impressive results:

Awareness & Activation

  1. Website Redesign

    • Impact: A modern, user-friendly website served as the cornerstone of our strategy, enhancing user experience and engagement.
    • Result: 50% increase in website traffic.
  2. Lead Generation Initiatives

    • Impact: Targeted lead generation efforts, including optimized landing pages and compelling CTAs, attracted potential users.
    • Result: Significant uptick in qualified leads, setting the stage for higher conversions.
  3. Cold Outreach with Automation Tools (Meet Alfred)

    • Impact: Automated, personalized outreach campaigns expanded our reach and attracted a diverse audience.
    • Result: Boosted initial user engagement and awareness.
  4. Targeted Advertising on Facebook, Instagram, and Google

    • Impact: Strategic ads on popular social media platforms and search engines increased visibility and drew interest from potential users.
    • Result: 32% increase in Facebook followers, 28% increase in Instagram followers.
  5. Online Webinars

    • Impact: Interactive webinars showcased FEM-START’s expertise and value proposition, engaging a wider audience.
    • Result: Enhanced credibility and attracted new users.

Activation & Retention

  1. Community Setup

    • Impact: A vibrant online community fostered networking, support, and ongoing engagement among female founders.
    • Result: Increased user retention and active participation.
  2. User Onboarding Workflows

    • Impact: Streamlined onboarding processes ensured new users could easily navigate the platform and access resources.
    • Result: Higher activation rates and user satisfaction.
  3. Retargeting Ads on Facebook & Instagram

    • Impact: Retargeting campaigns re-engaged users who had previously interacted with FEM-START, encouraging them to take further action.
    • Result: Strengthened user retention and engagement.

Retention & Revenue

  1. Discount Campaigns

    • Impact: Strategic discounts and promotions incentivized purchases and course enrollments.
    • Result: 50% MoM revenue increase.
  2. User Feedback Sessions

    • Impact: Regular feedback sessions gathered insights directly from users, allowing for continuous improvement of offerings.
    • Result: Enhanced user experience and satisfaction.
  3. User Testimonials

    • Impact: Positive testimonials built trust and credibility, encouraging new users to join the platform.
    • Result: Sustained user growth and engagement


By meticulously implementing growth marketing tactics across the AAARR framework, FEM-START successfully bridged the funding gap for female entrepreneurs in the Netherlands. The strategic combination of awareness initiatives, community building, and retention efforts empowered female founders with the necessary tools, mentorship, and support, ensuring their entrepreneurial journey is both successful and sustainable.

Whether you’re an ed-tech startup or any organization looking to amplify your impact, FEM-START’s case study exemplifies how a targeted, multifaceted growth strategy can drive remarkable results and foster lasting success.

Project Info

  • Client FEM-START
  • Services Growth Marketing Strategies and Implementation
  • Technology WordPress, Mailchimp, Google Ads, Facebook & Instagram Ads, SEMRush, Meet Alfred, Typeform