A/B Testing Strategies for Law Firms


A/B testing is a method of comparing two versions of a web page or app against each other to determine which one performs better. In this case two or more versions of a website are shown at a sample of users. It is important to realize the purpose of analyzing as applying AB tests. In this way, you can know which version performs better given a conversion goal.

Running AB tests allows your law firm to establish which is the best variation of a website or application. As a result, it leads to a higher conversion rate. In addition, it allows your firm to collect specific data about the impact of that change. In the light of AB tests, law firms can take data-informed decisions based on known facts.

Iterative A/B testing of ad copy and landing pages creates an evolution-like effect. This is to say, we are able to incrementally increase the amount of clicks and conversions at a lesser price point.

In short, A/B testing is a popular way to enhance the performance of digital assets and conversion rates. When running A/B tests, the main goal is to see what your audience needs to convert from visitors into secured clients or legal cases.

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