Buyer’s Journey for Law Firms

Most law firms have created a website and a minimal web presence because they “know they have to” and is just part of doing business today. But this type of thinking is what makes lawyers miss a lot of opportunities.

If you followed the previous steps you should have a more accurate description of your ideal customer, if not you can check the previous articles. Nevertheless, buyers don´t want to be prospected or pitched straight away. They are looking for additional information about your law firm’s services that cannot be found online. Therefore when creating your digital marketing plan you should personalize your sales process according to your buyer´s journey. There are 3 basic steps each customer journey follows and we are going to explain what buyers are looking for in each stage.

1. During the awareness stage, is when a buyer realizes he or she has a problem.

To offer them the best experience you should ask yourself:

  • How do your buyers describe their challenges?
  • What words they use to explain to them and what resources they use to find more information?
  • What happens if buyers don’t act on that particular challenge?
  • Can you find common misconceptions buyers experience when addressing their goal or challenge?
  • How do buyers decide whether the goal or challenge becomes a priority?

2. During the consideration, stage buyers define their problem and start researching options about how to solve it.

Now you should ask yourself:

  • What solutions do buyers research?
  • What pros and cons buyers perceive from each solution?
  • How do they decide which solution is right for them?

3. The last stage is the decision stage in which the buyer is ready to choose.

In this case, you should ask yourself:

  • What criteria do buyers use to evaluate the available offerings?
  • When buyers analyze your company’s offering, what do they like about it compared to other alternatives?
  • Who else needs to be involved in the decision-making process?
  • What expectations do your buyers have before deciding to make a purchase?

There are more steps to this process but answering to the above questions will provide a robust foundation for your buyer’s journey.
The last recommendation is to keep the information simple and doesn’t overcomplicate your offering, better than that, put yourself in your customer shoes and everything will become easier. And of course, do not forget to download the buyer journey’s template.

Interested in growing your law firm? Have a general question? We’re just an email away.

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